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Fat Tyre E-Bikes

designed for adventure for all you extreme bike riders. the Mack-e-Bike is capable of going wherever your adventures take you. 

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Fat tyres maximize the traction you attain with the electric bike since they are so wide and make more contact with the ground than thinner tyres. This also means you're able to travel over diverse terrain, from snow to sand, better than regular bicycles. The wide tyres provide you with extra grip and traction, and combined with a low tyre pressure, you'll find that you're able to pedal over terrain that'd make conventional tyres sink.

Wattage: 1,000W



Voltage: 48V

Wheel Size: 26"

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The 1000-watt engine on your Mack-e-Bike will give you more energy to easily reach top speed and effortlessly ride uphill. It has more torque than other motors, which means you're able to reach top speed much faster. 

This high voltage battery power means you can reach a high speed with less muscle power and less strain on your battery cells. Your 48V Mack-e-Bike battery will allow more current in the range of 10 – 40 amperes, compared to lower voltage batteries which are typically around 15 amperes.

The 26" wheel on your Mack-e-Bike will prolong your bike's battery life. Due to the size, they will store inertia (keep momentum) much better than a smaller wheel, enabling you to coast, roll and maintain constant speed significantly better.

Free Delivery

We care about our customers which is why we offer Free Delivery on all our MACK-e-BIKES

Same day shipping

We offer same day shipping for everyone who orders before 2pm Monday-Saturday, to ensure a quick delivery on your MACK-e-BIKE

spread the cost

With PayPal, you are able to spread the cost so you can enjoy your

MACK-e-BIKE without any stress

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